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2023 the24st China International NGVS and Gas Station Equipment Exhibition & Summit Forum

Time: April 9-21, 2023

Venue: Beijing China International Exhibition Center (new hall)

Support unit

China Transportation Association

Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University

International Association of Natural Gas Vehicles


Asia Pacific Natural Gas Automobile Association

Clean Energy Vehicle and Vessel Branch of China Communications and Transportation Association

Gas Automobile Branch of China Automobile Industry Association

Co organizer

Xinxing Energy Equipment Co., Ltd

Zhongji Anruike Holding Co., Ltd

Houpu Clean Energy Co., Ltd

Chongqing Nede Energy Equipment Integration Co., Ltd

Beijing Tianhai Industry Co., Ltd

Tianjin Baiyan Technology Co., Ltd


Beijing Qifa Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

Now that the world has entered a new era of energy transformation, the development and use of clean energy is an irreversible trend. Natural gas is recognized as a clean energy source worldwide. The "Proposal for Formulating the 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the 2035 Vision" proposed at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly states that: unswervingly implement the concept of green development and accelerate the promotion of green and low-carbon development.

The "Outline for Building a Strong Transportation Power" issued by the Party Central Committee and the State Council clearly requires that: optimize the transportation energy structure, promote the application of clean energy and new energy; Promote clean energy, new energy transportation equipment, and complete sets of technical equipment. With the deepening of China's energy revolution and the progress of natural gas vehicle and ship technology, natural gas vehicles and ships will usher in a new development pattern during the "14th Five Year Plan" period. It is expected that by 2025, the number of natural gas vehicles will exceed 10 million, and the number of gas stations will exceed 13000; LNG ships will reach 8000 to 10000. At the same time, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will definitely develop rapidly with the strong support of the state. The "2023 24th China International Gas Vehicle and Vessel Filling Station Equipment Exhibition and Forum" will be held at the China International Exhibition Center (New Pavilion) on April 9-21, 2023. The "HEFC and CGLE" three major theme exhibitions and forums held at the same time have overlapping influences, complement each other, and share resources, making them the best platform for exhibition, visit, communication, and learning. It is expected that more than 400 enterprises from more than 10 countries and regions will participate in the exhibition, with an exhibition area of over 50000 square meters and an audience of over 26000 people. We sincerely welcome you to visit and guide us!

The 6th China Natural Gas Vehicle and Ship Development Forum (speech theme: announced in March 2023)

The forum will invite: Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Resources and Environment, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Energy Bureau, Water Transport Bureau, Water Transport Institute, PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC Electric Group, Kunlun Energy, Beijing Gas, Shenzhen Gas, Huagang Gas, Xinjiang Guanghui, New Olympic Group, National Gas Vehicle Center, Gas Design Institute, Logistics Company, Express Delivery Company, Gas Station Construction Company, Bus Company, Taxi Company, Passenger Transport Company Experts from natural gas vehicle and ship manufacturing equipment enterprises, international and domestic industry associations, major natural gas users and purchasers, and some participating enterprises participated in the forum.

Five New Opportunities and Highlights for NGVS China 2023

1. In the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, natural gas vehicles and vessels will usher in a new development pattern during the "14th Five Year Plan" period. It is expected that by 2025, the number of natural gas vehicles will exceed 10 million, and the number of gas stations will exceed 13000; LNG ships will reach 8000 to 10000.

2. According to the Guangdong Provincial Transportation Administration, the annual transportation volume of cement transport ships in the Xijiang River area is 100 million tons. During the "14th Five Year Plan" period, Guangdong Province will renovate and build 1500 power ships (with a subsidy of 2.9-21.2 million yuan per ship).

3. The organizer has held discussions and exchanged views with China Express Association, China Transportation Association Express Branch, Logistics Branch, express companies, and logistics companies for many times. Recommend to them the use of economical, clean, and environmentally sound natural gas heavy trucks, in order to protect the environment, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. Logistics enterprises began to make plans to purchase LNG heavy trucks in succession.

4. In the first quarter of 2022, the sales of gas heavy trucks in January, February, and March were 2501, 2819, and 3861 vehicles, respectively, showing a good momentum of sequential growth in sales in each month. The sales volume of Shanxi gas heavy trucks is 2883, and the cumulative sales volume of Xinjiang gas heavy trucks is 2598. In the first quarter of 2022, 8447 tractors were sold in each segment of the gas heavy truck market, accounting for 92%. This indicates that tractors still occupy the absolute dominant position in the gas heavy truck market.

5. NGVS China has been deeply rooted in the natural gas vehicle and vessel industry for 22 years, and is the first platform for the global display, procurement, and exchange of natural gas vehicle and vessel filling station equipment. NGVS China 2023 has received strong support from units such as the Express Association, Logistics Branch, Express Branch, China Shipping Group, and CNOOC Group. The main groups to visit include but are not limited to on-site visits and procurement by China Shipping Group, Guangdong Provincial Government, CNOOC Group, express delivery companies, and logistics companies.

Meeting Schedule

Registration and exhibition arrangement: April 9-21, 2023 (8:9-21:00)

Official Exhibition: April 9-21, 2023 (9:9-21:00)

Exhibition Scope

★ Natural gas vehicles

Liquefied natural gas vehicles, compressed natural gas vehicles, single and dual fuel natural gas vehicles, coal bed gas vehicles, natural gas trucks, natural gas tractors, urban logistics vehicles, shuttle buses, natural gas passenger vehicles, small cars, business vehicles, natural gas sanitation vehicles;

★ Special natural gas vehicles

Semitrailer of natural gas storage cylinder group, natural gas mobile refueling vehicle, natural gas vehicle testing special vehicle, natural gas transportation vehicle;

★ LNG engineering vehicles

Natural gas concrete mixer truck, excavator, slag truck, forklift, crane, dump truck, mixing station, elevator;

★ LNG Ship

LNG transport ships, LNG power ships, LNG marine retrofit supporting products and related equipment;

★ Coal to gas equipment

Natural gas storage equipment, LNG storage tanks, gas boilers, gas pressure regulating cabinets, pressure regulating boxes, and gas control and detection technology;

★ Natural gas vehicle/ship parts and special equipment

Natural gas (hydrogen energy) storage system: inflation device, gas cylinder (gas cylinder production line, vacuum replacement equipment and related equipment), high-pressure pipeline and high-pressure connector, gas pressure display device, manual stop valve, etc; Electronic and gas supply systems for natural gas vehicles; Natural gas filter, pressure reducing regulator, mixer, low pressure gas hose, circulating water hose, etc;

★ Natural gas engine

CNG/LNG vehicle gas engines, dual fuel engines, marine engines, engineering machinery engines, aircraft engines, natural gas engine sets, and other power equipment;

★ Fuel conversion system

Vehicle converter, single natural gas converter, fuel conversion switch, natural gas cut-off valve, etc;

★ Hydrogen energy and hydrogenation station equipment

Hydrogen production equipment, hydrogenation equipment, hydrogenation station equipment, hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen fuel vehicles, and on-board hydrogen supply systems;

★ Gas station equipment

CNG/LNG/LPG gas station equipment, gas dispensers, compressors, dryers, recovery tanks, gas storage devices, and accessories;

★ LNG plant equipment

Terminal equipment, LNG low-temperature storage tanks, LNG peak shaving station equipment, LNG gasification station equipment, LNG/CNG filling station (skid), LNG pump skid, LNG dispenser, IC card system, submerged pump, vacuum pipe, vacuum valve, etc;

★ Related equipment

Instruments and meters such as flow meters, leak detectors, and detectors; Equipment for monitoring and safety protection, etc;

★ Purification equipment

Natural gas, coal bed gas, hydrogen, industrial gas, compressed air drying, molecular sieve dehydration devices, etc;

★ Control components

Skid mounted box, base, intake and exhaust bellows, motor starter, high-pressure gas valve, LPG, etc.

★ Exhibition of various clean energy vehicles, energy-saving technologies and equipment, and clean fuel vehicles.

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