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HRC70_HRC100 regulator

HRC70_HRC100 Regulator


RC70 & RC100 系列调压器【qì】为【wéi】直接作用【yòng】式二 级平【píng】衡调压器。内置【zhì】过滤放散阀超压【yā】和低【dī】压切【qiē】 断保护【hù】装置。具有体积小、易于安装【zhuāng】、压力稳 定、反应迅速【sù】等特点。

The RC70&RC100 series regulators are direct acting two-stage balanced regulators. Built in filter relief valve overpressure and low-pressure cut-off protection device. It has the characteristics of small size, easy installation, stable pressure, and rapid response.

应用 application
和民用用户的气体输配 适用气体的种类:

Regulating the outlet pressure of air or gas, suitable for gas transmission and distribution for industrial and civilian users. Types of applicable gases:

  1.  1.人工煤气【qì】  Artificial gas
  2.  2.天然气    Natural gas
  3.  3.液化气LPG  Liquefied gas LPG
  4.  4.非腐蚀性【xìng】气体【tǐ】  Non corrosive gases


@ 产品【pǐn】技术参数 / Product technical parameter

Maximum import pressure/P1max 6 bar

Import pressure range/&P1...... 1~5 bar

Export pressure range/low pressure&P2...... 20~70mbar

/High pressure&P2 70~300mbar

Voltage stabilization accuracy level/AC................................... ≤± 15%

Close pressure level/SG...... ≤ 25%

Cutting accuracy/AQ....................................................... ≤± 5%

Response time/ta.................................... ≤ 1sec

Maximum flow rate (NG)/Qmax...... 100Nm3/h

Working temperature: -20 ℃~+60 ℃

Weight/Low pressure type: 2.0KG

/High voltage type: 2.5KG

The performance of the regulator meets the requirements of GB27790

Optional configuration: overpressure cut-off, low-pressure cut-off, relief valve, and other inlet and outlet connection sizes

Maximum allowable pressure

The valve body remains undamaged up to 10 bar

Seal material NBR nitrile rubber valve body material

Die cast aluminum alloy

Internal component materials

Brass, stainless steel, aluminum alloy filtration accuracy ≤ 0.5mm

最.大进口压力 /P1max…………………………6bar

进口压力范围 /﹠P1 ……………………1~5 bar

出口压力范围 /低压﹠P2 ……………20~70mbar

                    /高压﹠P2 ……………70~300mbar

稳压精【jīng】度【dù】等级 /AC………………………≤±15%

关闭压力【lì】等级 /SG…………………………≤25%

切断精度 /AQ………………………………≤±5%

响应时间 /ta…………………………………≤1sec



重量 /低压型……………………………………2.0KG



可选配置:超压切断低压切断、放散阀和其他进出口 连接尺寸



密封件材料  NBR丁腈橡胶 阀体材料



黄铜、不锈钢、铝合金 过滤精度≤0.5mm


@ 流量表 / Flow meter


@ 安装【zhuāng】尺寸图【tú】 / Installation dimension diagram


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